Southern Pacific MofW cars

These pictures were take south of Gilroy, CA on a siding next to the SP mainline. This siding is at the old sugar beet loading complex just north of the Parharo River.

These are pictures of a rail gang - thanks John, for input on some of the pictures!

A head on shot of the line of MW cars.
A view down the line of MW cars.
A view from the line of MW cars.
An air compressor.
The other side of the air compressor.
Series 1 CWR heater car made by Teleweld. A propane heater for continuous welded rail, side view.
End view of the propane heater.
Reverse side and end view of the propane heater.
A speeder with the engine covered.
A second speeder.
A view of the driving area of the second speeder.
A spike puller.
A second spike puller.
A third spike puller.
A spiker, with a trailer load of spikes.
The second spiker.
The third spiker.
A close up view of the third spiker.
Another view of the third spiker and the air compressor that is connected to it.
A fourth spiker.
A tractor.
A Pettibone Speed Swing.
Head on view of the above Speed Swing.
A second Speed Swing.
A third Speed Swing.
A trailer with five gallon cans of spikes, and tie plugs.
This trailer contained jacks, tool boxes and nuts and bolts for the rails.
This trailer contains pieces of scrap rail, and bundles of tie plugs, and a gas can. Further down the line, but no picture taken, there was a box car with about 200 five gallon cans of spikes, and a couple hundred bundles of tie plugs.
Spare tires and another gas can.
This is an adzer on this trailer.
This is a cribber.
Odds and ends were on this trailer.
On this trailer is a thermit welder for CRW, among other things.